Monday, November 26, 2007

Entries for the 3rd Renzyu Meizin Tournament at Richard's server are open.
All (even beginners) are welcome! Don't miss a good opportunity to studythe ancient game.
Tournament will start approximately on 2007-12-01Renzyu is 5-in-a-row type game.
The board size is 17x17 (WRL rules).Forks 3-3 and overline are forbidden for Player 1 (Black).
Openings system is similar to Yamaguti's rules (52 openings).
Full description is here
Tournament's System:
Total time limit: 90 days per game.
Each player will play no more than 10-12 games simultaneously.
If you would like to entry,

Step 1:

Registration at Richard's server (it's free)
Send a messageTo: pbmserv@gamerz.netwith
Subject: signup your_nick your_password

Step 2:

Sign up for Renju tournament
Send a message (to renju_wrl nikolay via PbeM)
with following information:
Subject: message your_nick your_password renju_wrl nikolay

Your PBeM nick:
Your Name:
Your Country :
Your City :
The applications have submitted:

Chin Shuenn Chyn chyn Malaysia
J.T. Kovacs stoneaxe USA
Fedorkin Oleg fedorkin Russia (USA)
Kieran O'Donnell Kieran Ireland
Gabyouan Syuzin seeker Japan
Renee Pajuste terrock EstoniaI
Kozlov gosha_op Russia
Pat Kovacs pkmom USA
Klecherov Nikolaj klecherov Kyrgyzstan
Kazahara Tamami kazahara Japan
Bilanenko Ruslan bilanenko Ukraine
Sun Ribo blacksword China
Noguchi Kanako noguchi Japan
Kong Ingchao boldrunner China
Defrasne Ferreol ferreol France
Kalyunen Paavo peav Finland
Sviridov Nikolay nikolay Russian
Nowakowski Utratos Polska
Kurochkin Viktor kurok Russia
Ezequiel Martin Camara zeke Spain
Barykin Viktor vbarykin Russia
Good luck and have fun!
The 3rd WRL Meizin Tournament

The Rules of Renzyu
Object of the Game
On a 17x17 board, each player tries to create a line of 5 (or more) pieces of their color while trying to prevent their opponent from doing the same thing.
On your turn, you place a piece of your color on the board. However, the victory conditions for White and Black differ a bit...
Black making a line of exactly 5 stones of his colour.
White making a line of 5 or more stones of his colour.or if Black makes a "double three" or if Black makes an "overline"
There are a number of movement restrictions for the first 5moves.
Players are initially referred to as "tentative Black(Eks)" and "tentative White(Ohs)".
Move#1. Tentative Black makes the 1st move to the center of the board.
Move#2. Tentative White puts a white stone within 3x3 central square.
Move#3. Tentative Black puts a black stone within 7x7 central square, and at the same time, suggests how many alternative 5th moves to be made.
Move#4a. Tentative White has option to swap colours.
Move#4b. White makes an unrestricted move
Move#5. Black proposes as many alternative 5th moves as suggested on Move#3 "move1,..,moveN" as Black's Choice. These moves made must be asymetrical in at least one aspect except relative distance from the edge of the board.
Move#6. White makes two moves "move1,move2" where "move1" is one of the moves proposed by Black on Move#5 and move2 is an unrestricted move.
Subsequent moves are unrestricted.

Related links
Iinterview with the 1st Renzyu Meizin Alexander Suslov
Oleg Fedorkin's article on the 2nd WRL Meizin tournament
Site of "All-Japan Renzyu League" (in Japanese)
SIte of "World Renzyu League" (in Russian)
Turn based server where it is possible to play Renzyu 17x17 or 19x19
Collection of renzyu games, WRL tournament tables, etc.